Forbes: BHI study Identifies Losses from trump tariffs


The Trump administration argues that its deregulation efforts have boosted the U.S. economy. However, new research shows the tariffs Donald Trump has imposed on steel and various imports from China will soon overwhelm the economic benefits from the administration’s regulatory policies.

Table1-StuartAndersonFORBES“President Donald Trump’s tariff policy has reduced the economic benefits of the Trump administration’s deregulation efforts by 29% and the additional anticipated tariffs on Chinese imports will eliminate all remaining economic gains from the administration’s deregulation actions,” according to a new National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP) analysis of trade and regulatory policies. “These findings are a reminder that tariffs are a form of business regulation that can be at least as economically harmful as other forms of regulation.”

Read more of “The Trump Tariffs Will Soon Eliminate Economic Gains From Deregulation,” by Stuart Anderson