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BHI to offer policy experience to
grad students

from NewsLink, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1998


Coming in January, graduate economics students at Suffolk University will have the chance to gain on-the-job experience by serving as research assistants at the Beacon Hill Institute.

The Department of Economics will inaugurate its new Master of Science in Economic Policy (MSEP) degree program. The program provides the foundation for careers in government, public policy research or government relations. It provides the skills needed for government budgeting, tax-revenue forecasting, the regulation of public utilities, and the litigation of antitrust issues. Students develop skills useful for managing a government agency, providing in-house or consulting advice on public policy issues, representing clients in government hearings and preparing reports on public policy issues.

The degree requires completion of seven required courses, three elective courses and either a six-credit internship or the completion of a thesis. Limited financial aid is available to full-time students in the form of partial tuition scholarships and research assistantships.

BHI is located within the Department of Economics. For information, contact BHI at (617) 573-8750 or the Graduate Admission Office at (617) 573-8302.

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NewsLink is the quarterly newsletter of the Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy Research at Suffolk University. © 1996-2002. All rights reserved. Posted on 11/20/98.

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