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Social Security Reform Resources |
from NewsLink, Vol. 3, No. 1, Fall 1998
Because of information overload, learning about Social Security reform can be daunting. For a quick study, here are our recommendations.
Promises to Keep: Saving Social Security's Dream by Marshall N. Carter and William G. Shipman. Regnery Publishing 1996. A worthy primer on the Social Security crisis, this book was reviewed in the Winter 1997 issue of NewsLink.
A New Deal for Social Security by Peter J. Ferrara and Michael Tanner. Cato Institute, 1998. Ferrara and Tanner, resolute privatizers, propose allowing individuals to divert their Social Security taxes to individually-owned, privately-invested accounts, similar to IRAs or 401(k) plans.
Social Security Reform: Conference Proceedings: Links to Savings, Investment and Growth, Steven A. Sass and Robert K. Triest, editors. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, June 1997. Technical but accessible discussion from across the spectrum. Includes comments by Gramlich, Diamond and others.
Survey: Social Insurance. The Economist. October 24, 1998. Superb analysis of social insurance issues from across the globe.
Social Security Transition: Maximizing Economic Benefits, Stephen J. Entin, Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation delivered to the ABA Economic Advisory Committee meeting. Available through IRET, 202-463-1400. Technical analysis on how to fund benefits to current retirees in a privatized scenario.
Sound Investment: The stock market can still save Social Security. But only if Uncle Sam does the investing, Peter Diamond, The New Republic, November 9, 1998. Argues that reform should be based on a current federal retirement plan.
Web Sites
Cato Institute's Social Security Calculator, (www.socialsecurity.org/calc/calculator.html).By using this calculator, compare your Social Security benefits to a portfolio of stocks, bonds and other investments over time. A useful tool for the layman.
Social Security Online (www.ssa.gov) General Information; (www.ssa.gov/policy/adcouncil_intro.html) 1994-1996 Advisory Council on Social Security.
The Pew Charitable Trust's Americans Discuss Social Security. (www.americansdiscuss.org). Carries general policy information and polling data about public attitudes on reform.
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NewsLink is the quarterly newsletter of the Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy Research at Suffolk University. © 1996-1998. All rights reserved. Posted on 11/20/98.
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