Study: Mismeasuring labor markets costs taxpayers millions in construction costs.
The wage rates under the federal Davis-Bacon Act do not match the real wages in the market
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The wage rates under the federal Davis-Bacon Act do not match the real wages in the market
On January 12, 2022, The Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy Research submitted testimony on Bill H. 2881 “An Act Relative to the Massachusetts Estate Tax Code” Download the testimony here.
House Bill (H.B.) 949, passed by the Georgia House of Representatives in March of 2020, would reduce the top Georgia income tax rate from 5.75 percent to a flat rate of 5.375 percent.1 H.B. 949 serves as the basis for this study’s analysis of the fiscal and economic effects of reducing the top income tax rate while implementing a flat income tax across all income groups. Moreover, this study…
This book brings these theories together under one methodological roof, where the choices made by economic agents depend on their varying perceptions of the economic constraints they face, combining new classical principles, under which the economy operates at full employment, with theories that allow for extended periods of underemployment brought about by mixed signals from workers and employers. The task of macroeconomics is to provide the tools for understanding…
(Medway, MA; June 8, 2021) – A new study by the Beacon Hill Institute finds that the proposed “millionaire’s tax” headed for Massachusetts ballot in 2022 will likely harm the state’s economy with the loss of jobs, investment and disposable income. The study, based on the Institute’s State Tax Analysis Modeling Program (STAMP) also found that the state would lose high income households to other states. House Bill 86…
Join The Beacon Hill Institute and experts in the field for a lively discussion on this pressing current topic. .
Ticking Time Bomb or Needless Worry? Congress recently passed and President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which will add $1.9 trillion to the federal deficit over the next ten years. Even before this new spending, federal debt held by the public was slated to reach 107% of GDP by 2031, the highest in history. What do high deficits mean going forward? Join the Institute and experts in…