November 17, 2021
Professor Scott Sumner discusses his new book, “The Money Illusion,” in this edition of the BHI’s webinar series.
Watch the interview on YouTube here.

April 15, 2021
The Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy Research presents a conversation on the national debt Ticking Time Bomb or Needless Worry?
Congress recently passed and President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which will add $1.9 trillion to the federal deficit over the next ten years. Even before this new spending, federal debt held by the public was slated to reach 107% of GDP by 2031, the highest in history. What do high deficits mean going forward? Join the Institute and experts in the field for a lively discussion on this pressing current topic.
The event’s presenters include:

To join this event on
April 15 at 12 noon,
use the following Zoom link: