
David G. Tuerck serves as president of the Beacon Hill Institute. From 1982 to his retirement in 2020, he served on the economics faculty at Suffolk University. In 2021, he was awarded the status of Professor Emeritus by the Suffolk University Board of Trustees. Prior to joining Suffolk University in 1982, he was a director in the Economic Analysis Group at Coopers & Lybrand, Washington, DC. Prior to that, he served as director of the Center for Research and Advertising at the American Enterprise Institute. Dr. Tuerck holds a doctorate in economics from the University of Virginia. His dissertation director was James M. Buchanan, 1986 Nobel Laureate in Economics.
Adjunct Scholar

Jonathan Haughton is a Project Manager for the Beacon Hill Institute’s State Tax Analysis Modeling Program. He is the chairman and a professor of economics at Suffolk University. A specialist in the areas of economic development, international trade and taxation, he has lectured, taught and conducted research in almost 20 countries. He received his BA (Mod.) in Economics from Trinity College, Dublin and his PhD in Economics from Harvard University.
Adjunct Scholar

Keshab Bhattarai is a senior lecturer in economics, specializing in general equilibrium analysis of macro and micro economic policy issues and econometrics. He has published in various refereed journals including the International Economic Review, Economica, and the Southern Economic Journal. He received his PhD for developing dynamic CGE model to analyze growth and redistribution impacts of financial sector policies for Nepal from the Northeastern University, Boston in 1997.